Friday, June 17, 2011


Slowly but surely we are making design progress around our little apartment.  When hubby and I first got married, I was in grad school and we were living life simply on one income.  Needless to say, we were surrounded by hand-me-down furniture that we were deeply grateful for but we were not in-style (or in the correct decade). 

I decided to share with you a little chronological photo gallery of progress:
Hand-me-down couch and loveseat from aunt

Fabulous Room & Board steal-of-a-deal couch from Craig's list

Not so barren walls

We have some more projects currently in the works.  I will be adding four pictures like the ones below to the wall behind the couch.  We are also building an ottoman!  A how-to on the ottoman would be a good idea, but we are kind of making it as we go along, so I don't think our directions would be very helpful.  Besides, my directions would read: 1) Come up with a good idea to store our crap 2) Tell hubby idea 3) Pick a fabric 4) Have hubby use his mad skillz to build said ottoman after multiple trips to Home Depot

Sorry- didn't change the direction, but you get the idea

Ottoman in process

 I would love for you to share your great transformations or awesome how-to projects with me!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Creatures and Important Life Events

I am determined to be more prompt in the blog postings and will attempt to make up for my terrible lateness by including fun pictures.  

Life has been happy and full, with lots of weekend events, busy life activities, and random creatures from school thrown in the mix.

John Thomas surprised me with a fun (and free) date to see Tim McGraw.  I loved Tim in my high school years and was surprised how quickly the lyrics came back to me.  We enjoyed this show with some of the drunkest and most scandalously clad middle schoolers I have ever seen. Thank you country music.  

(Sorry for the weird spacing that will follow this post- I need to consult some blog-savvy friends)

 Our glorious Easter service at Bethel Atlanta was celebrated in style courtesy of the rare hat collection from one Lady Spencer.  

*Note to self- hats with appendages hinder your ability to hug those around you.  

In keeping with the Spring theme, I have been carting around a cage full of chicks to and froChicks bring a lot of paraphernalia with them, but their cuteness is well worth the work.   Until we have lots of acres where I can allow furry creatures to run wild, I am forced to move them around in cages for short little overnights at our apartment.  The cheeps produced by this little family surely earned us a noise complaint from the neighbors. 

Do not worry. I washed my hands multiple times after handling these little friends.  Poultry may be cute, but it is not clean.  

Last but not least, congratulations to one Susan Hale on her graduation from the University of Georgia.  I cannot say enough good things about this wonderful lady. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

What was I thinking. . .

Hello blogging world.

I have been thinking about the possibility of starting a blog for months (a.k.a. procrastinating in fear of strangers and creepers reading about my daily events), but I just decided that today is no better than any other day to just bare my soul to you.  So here we go. . . 

If today's blogging events are any indication of my future blogging career, I am already concerned.  It took me a good 30 minutes to figure out how to crop a picture of myself. Then I spent another 30-45ish minutes attempting to follow my friends' blogs.  I successfully followed my own blog and can't find my friends.  I don't know a lot about blogging, but I'm pretty sure I'm aware of when I am writing a post, so I can't anticipate needing a notification  telling me to read what I have just written.   

Needless to say, this could be an interesting adventure. I still peck away at my phone keys when texting and give my friends strange looks when they talk about "tweeting" and "four squaring", so I am not what you would consider "technologically savvy." My husband describes me as a great mixture between a child and an old person, so neither of those identities leave me feeling real confident with a computer.

I am hoping this blog will be a great exercise in me being open and honest. In an effort to jump start my honesty, I will share with you a picture of our living room in its current state:

I have been looking for a new couch for months to replace some old couches that my aunt gave us when we first got married. We ended up finding a great couch this week off craig's list but haven't found anyone to take the old couches.  Needless to say, it looks like a furniture showroom/yard sale around here.  

While I am baring my soul, take a look at what I found in the deep fathoms of our dungeon (a.k.a. pantry). Things tend to disappear upon entry. It looks like something off of Edward Scissorhands.

Off to get ready for my secret date with the husband. I know we will be outside all evening, which just sounds delightful.  Currently the highlight of the day was finding husband's rattiest boxers in the trash (these things had more holes than swiss cheese and ceased to serve any real purpose in terms of true underwear).  Apparently he put his foot through one of the man-made holes and not the original. I am trusting that our date will replace the boxer highlight, but I could go to bed happy as-is.